The Golden Pinwheel International Young Illustrators Competition is an international event organized by the Shanghai Children’s Book Fair (CCBF). Since the first edition of the contest in 2015, we have received over 2,000 entries from 24 countries across the world. The competition is backed by multiple international illustrators associations. This year, leewiART has launched a strategic partnership with CCBF to provide a better competitive experience to all the participants.
An illustration exhibition featuring the competition’s 50 finalists will take place at Shanghai during CCBF at the World EXPO Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC). It will also feature the work of last year’s Grand Prix winners, Ye Luying and Fatemeh Nakhaei. A key feature of Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair, the Golden Pinwheel exhibition has been designed to give emerging illustrators an opportunity to gain business exposure and be part of a worldwide network that promotes exchange between young artists.
Judging process
Call for entry: 1 May 2017 – 31 August 2017
First round of evaluation: September
Second round of evaluation:
First half of October Finalists announcement: mid-October
Winners announcement: late October
– The 50 finalists’ artworks will be presented at the Golden Pinwheel illustration showcase during CCBF 2017.
– All the finalists will receive an official diploma from organizers which could be downloaded from the website.
– Artworks will be presented in the 2017 Golden Pinwheel Artwork Catalogue.
– All the finalists will be granted free access to the workshops and illustration related events held during the book fair.
Check the CALL FOR ENTRY to learn more details about cash prizes,publishing & exhibition opportunity, etc.
Call for Entry: Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition

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